вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Well it seems no matter what im doing its always related to work in some way if im not at uni doing work in labs and lectures im at home working on assignments and doing study or trying to master Statistics for psychology�
and if im not doing that im actually at work stacking shelves etc.. Seems whereever i look ive got work to do...

No1 ever said life was easy but shouldnt life for a student be a lil more simple.. We have up to 60 hours+ a week of classes and labs and study etc to do and then most of us have to hold down a part time job as well due to the way the govt thinks is fair to students getting money argh as ive we dont have enough work to do as it is... Im not moaning that i hate working its just that my job doesnt pay the greatest and i can only do a few days a week.. I do have to say i enjoy it though as its simple and its time when i dont have to think and i can just chill and i work with a great bunch of people and always have a laugh... But shesh it sucks that i dont have time for me as its always work work work...

life otherwise is ok.. Starting to feel better now that im on antibiotics... Still cant hear that well though. Kinda stressing about the wedding though as i havent packed my bags etc to go to ashburton yet and i leave at 5pm... Eek scary thought really i just hope it goes well for ange and that shell be in a happy marriage....

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


A gang of young Asian men, smoking and loping; one speaks into a mobile phone. Up the platform then back again, unsmiling. Their urban street-wear contrasts with the grey remoteness of this place:�has Omsk seen bright white shoes, before? Across a collar of one of their black jackets, the word "Adidas" carefully woven in white. Theyapos;re going home, I�suppose, like I�am. Meanwhile, a Russian walks along the train, clanging a rod against its wheels, causing a chime-like ringing. I�follow the Asians back onto their carriage: next-door to mine, and identical to it.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I think self-injury is like a boomerang. No matter how far in the past Iapos;ve left it, it always manages to come back into my life at the most inopportune moments.

Believe it or not, I havenapos;t thought about self-injury in a day or two. Iapos;ve been so busy with other things that it literally hasnapos;t crossed my mind.

Until today.

When someone asked me about my scars.


Itapos;s true that theyapos;re fading, but theyapos;re not completely gone. I have finally reached a place in my life where I donapos;t "see" them like I used to, so it continues to surprise me when others do.

Iapos;m not ashamed of them. But itapos;s hard to move on sometimes when the past continues to crop up in the present.

I wonder if there will ever be a time when I will be able to say that self-injury is 100 a thing of the past? Emotionally? Physically?

Or maybe thatapos;s an illusion.

Perhaps self-injury is as much a part of my make-up as my being left-handed is.

I want to understand self-injury and help others understand it too.

But at what price?

I continue to learn a lot about this disorder and its impact on my life. When I stopped injuring almost three years ago, I thought that was it. I underestimated the power of the urges, the rational of the inner dialogue that led me to injure in the first place, and I erroniously negated the release that self-injury provided.

I thought I could just walk away without consequence.

How short-sighted.

Just because an alcoholic goes into treatment and no longer drinks doesnapos;t mean they arenapos;t an alcoholic anymore. The sense of "once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic" rings true to self-injury too Iapos;m finding out.

And like any other addiction, I believe I will always be someone who, given the right set of circumstances, could run right back into the arms of self-injury.

Thatapos;s why itapos;s imperative that I stay the course. Ignore the urges. Resist the temptation.

Iapos;m in recovery, plain and simple.

I thought Iapos;d be cured by now. But what is that, really?

I wonder if addicts ever miss their drug of choice? I wonder if they think about their "good apos;ol days" as often as I seem to?

But the reality is the old days werenapos;t good and hurting myself is no way to get through life.

But breaking the cycle has turned out to be a more difficult task than I first imagined it might be. The same lie of "I can stop any time I want to" seems to apply to everything from eating disorders to addictions to self-injury.

The truth was I couldnapos;t stop at any time.

The sad part is, I didnapos;t want to.

The reality is I had to. Had I not, I would have killed myself by accident.

Anyone who has seriously self-injured knows what Iapos;m talking about. When the anger, fear and frustration is so great, the power those feelings create can be fatalistic.

I know what itapos;s like to be so mad I could put my hand through a wall.

I also know that doing so doesnapos;t take that feeling away...for long.

Itapos;s funny how my life has changed over the last many months. No longer can I use self-injury to cope.

Instead, I am coping by other means to control the urge to self-injure.

When people ask me about my scars, it reminds me of how far Iapos;ve come. Most of them time I think I forget.

Iapos;ve managed to leave behind a behavior that I engaged in on an almost daily basis for more than 30 years.

To expect to fully leave it behind at this point is incredibly unrealistic.

I continue to get messages from all over the place asking me "how I do it?"

And I can say is one day at a time.

Maybe I wonapos;t ever be able to leave self-injury in the past. It may forever be a part of my present because of the marks Iapos;ve left on my body and peopleapos;s interest in them.

I guess thatapos;s okay. I am a survivor. No one, and I mean no one leaves this world unscathed in some way.

I just happened to mark myself instead of letting the world make its mark on me.

One day, I hope to understand why.
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