вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Well it seems no matter what im doing its always related to work in some way if im not at uni doing work in labs and lectures im at home working on assignments and doing study or trying to master Statistics for psychology�
and if im not doing that im actually at work stacking shelves etc.. Seems whereever i look ive got work to do...

No1 ever said life was easy but shouldnt life for a student be a lil more simple.. We have up to 60 hours+ a week of classes and labs and study etc to do and then most of us have to hold down a part time job as well due to the way the govt thinks is fair to students getting money argh as ive we dont have enough work to do as it is... Im not moaning that i hate working its just that my job doesnt pay the greatest and i can only do a few days a week.. I do have to say i enjoy it though as its simple and its time when i dont have to think and i can just chill and i work with a great bunch of people and always have a laugh... But shesh it sucks that i dont have time for me as its always work work work...

life otherwise is ok.. Starting to feel better now that im on antibiotics... Still cant hear that well though. Kinda stressing about the wedding though as i havent packed my bags etc to go to ashburton yet and i leave at 5pm... Eek scary thought really i just hope it goes well for ange and that shell be in a happy marriage....

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